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$3000.78 on fees for a withdrawal. Octafx which in his home page has ads everywhere that there is no fee for withdrawal/deposit with Neteller I deposit $60.000 i traded 11.95 lots and when i ask for a withdrawal, they told me that i had to pay $3000.78usd on fees for the withdrawal via Neteller, that in the terms and conditions it says that they can charge that withdrawal when ever they want. Hi acapulco bay, Thanks for your glowing review! The VLoad Team UK +441382797240 US +17727424504 Do not use IC Markets. Do not use IC Markets! You have been warned. They told me to close a negative position and sent me an email and said they will refund me. They didnt, they went silent instead. I keep emailing them and they ignore me. I am now taking them to court. 你好。我感觉有水军,但从我接触的来看并不是很严重。也许是因为国人上这个不多,多分水的意义不大。对于…

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